The savings account lets you set aside a portion of your hard-earned money to yield interest. It develops a saving habit for emergencies and expenses. You can easily open Savings Accounts and avail of their benefits on any of the online mediums like bank portals and apps. For selecting the best bank to open your account, you need to compare the interest rates and settle for a profitable option.
The Savings Account interest calculator is a free assessment tool accessible online for calculating the interest you receive. It also shows the amount you can save until you run the account. Let us understand how it works:
Starting balance
This tab asks you to enter the initial amount you wish to deposit in your account. You can input the amount you want to start with based on the objective. Various banks have minimum balance requirements that you should check before considering depositing the same. If you hold a higher account balance results in better Savings Account interest rates.
Monthly contribution
You can select the amount you want to contribute every month. This provides you with an estimate of how much interest you can earn. You can either do manual contributions or automate such deposits through an account. Automation is an excellent option, especially if you want to avoid the hassle of remembering to make periodic contributions.
Interest rates
This field needs you to add the interest rates that you know you would receive during the specified time frame. Specifying whether the interest gets compounded annually, monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually is also essential. You can select the rates from the drop-down menu adjusted with the interest rates offered by the bank.
Time frame
Lastly, you should add the duration for which you want your money to grow in the account. There are two tabs for this purpose. These are years and months. Once you lock in this period, you make sure to not withdraw the amount so that interest gets accumulated. The results depend on this. The longer your savings remain with the bank, the more they can grow. The Savings Account calculator lets you estimate the amount you can save and the interest you can earn.
It is an instrument that you can use as many times as you want on the portal or the Banking app. It also works for those accounts offering the highest interest rates. Hence, you can consider different possibilities to see which investment plan helps and saves more for you.