Jobs abroad



Working abroad is when you leave your hometown in order to get a workplace and new residence.


Why do people choose jobs abroad instead of working in their home countries?


The first reason why people choose jobs abroad is a naturally high level of earnings, since the need for your profession may be higher in another country than in yours and, accordingly, the payment for it will be higher. Also a lot depends on the currency and the country itself in which you want to work.

The second reason is career and professional growth. Professional growth presupposes mastering a specialty at a high level. For a real pro, the learning process never ends. He constantly strives to deepen his knowledge in a narrow issue, acquire additional skills, improve his skills, and this is incredibly cool abroad where opportunities are expanded. Often due to his other qualities (organizational, leadership abilities), a person quickly moves up the career ladder, this is of great value in foreign companies.

How to choose the right country?

If you compare salaries abroad and at home, the bill will go several times. The minimum wage in Europe is 500 €. If you think about which country to go to, you must first of all take it into account:




  tightening of legislation in relation to migrants.

Between the opportunity for months to seek employment in a country with higher wages and a country where it is less, but you can find it quickly and easily – people choose the second option.

Therefore, the possible choice for those wishing to travel abroad is not so great. The top 10 countries are limited to the following states:



  Czech Republic;








Top countries of “dream”, where IT-technology specialists who speak English, professionals from other industries move, are:

  Scandinavian countries;


  Great Britain;


Immigrants who come to the West fill vacancies for Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. The second area of ​​employment of our fellow citizens in the EU is again jobs, from which Europeans turn up their noses because of the severity of physical activity and relatively meager pay.

Although a third of the “migrant workers” have a higher education, they are not very often employed in their specialty. The reasons for that:

  inability to confirm qualifications due to inadequacy of professional training;

  the need for nostrification of a diploma for doctors, teachers and a number of other professions;

  a narrow range of specialties, university graduates apply for them – these are the vacancies of programmers, engineers, technologists.

  the inability to quickly find a high-paying job and lack of knowledge of the language required for spoken communication.

Where can I find the job abroad?

Now a huge number of people are looking for work in other countries using the Internet and various forums. We offer you our Layboard website that is equipped with convenience and really all the necessary information to find a profession. Here you will see a lot of countries, vacancies and employers for every taste. In addition, we listen to your advice and questions and will gladly help you with your choice. 


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