Plastic pollution is a major issue faced by the environment. Even though people have now started considering reducing the use of plastic packaging and microfibres, it took a while to notice the damage being done by plastic toys. And as a result, children’s wooden toys have been identified as an alternative. But more awareness should be raised about the damage caused by plastic toys to promote sustainable toys.
What Are Sustainable Toys?
Toys made of biodegradable materials like wood and cotton are considered to be sustainable. And the idea is to make the manufacturing process and the resulting product as eco-friendly as possible. On the other hand, even if a toy is wooden, it can be manufactured in an unsustainable manner. This creates different degrees of sustainability that can be achieved. While very few companies have actually achieved significant levels of sustainability, many brands are now moving towards more eco-friendly practices.
Wooden Toys and Their Benefits
Children’s wooden toys are the most popular sustainable toys in the market. And, while some may think they are way out of the league compared to the sophisticated digital toys available today, nothing can beat the feel of a well crafted wooden toy. They have also evolved to include more complex designs as well. So, here are some benefits of using wooden toys.
Safer for the Child: Plastic toys often have small parts that can be hazardous to small children. They may also break easily, causing sharp bits of plastic to stick out. Wooden toys, on the other hand, are often well-crafted and durable. They do not break that easily as wood is too tough to break easily, even for adults.
Eco-Friendly: Even though plastic bottles account for the majority of plastic waste, plastic toys also make up a significant percentage. Meanwhile, wooden toys have a ton of sustainable options. By opting for them, each person can play a small part in reducing plastic wastes. Also, one can recycle them effortlessly.
Longevity: Toys are subject to rough use. They are supposed to endure harsh treatment like long throws off the stairs. And plastic toys can be durable to an extent depending on the manufacturing quality. But wooden toys have much simpler designs and involve fewer mechanical parts, allowing them to withstand such rough use.
Early Education: It is essential to engage young children. As their faculties begin development, they should start learning. While many complex toys can achieve that, they are often fragile and not suited for young children. So, since most wooden toys are designed as puzzles, they can help in enhancing the child’s numerical and spatial awareness. Even basic toys like stacking blocks can improve the motor skills of children.
Creativity: Wooden toys are simple and require the imagination of the child to play with them. Most children play with such toys in imaginary scenarios like construction sites or forests; this promotes inventiveness and improves creative thinking.
Promotes Teamwork: As mentioned earlier, many wooden toys are puzzles, and this allows more than one child to play with them. This way, wooden puzzles can promote teamwork, improve social skills, and they can be perfect for playdates, as they help improve interaction among children at a young age. Parents or carers can also get involved and help their children with the puzzles, and this is also a reason why wooden puzzles are used in preschools and kindergartens.
One person choosing to buy sustainable toys may only contribute a little towards eco-friendliness. But such small contributions add up in a greater movement towards a sustainable future.