Construction companies everywhere constantly explore new strategies designed to improve productivity. As competition ramps up, profit margins tend to shrink, which means reducing overall costs is more critical now than ever. Here are a few tips for boosting productivity that contractors are encouraged to consider.
Focus on Having the Right Equipment
Most contractors have access to specific equipment, and most avoid buying additional pieces if they can get by with what’s on hand. In some instances, that’s an acceptable strategy, but not always. Explore the pros and cons of purchasing new and used construction equipment if additional equipment is needed. Remember, even if a machine can complete the task, consider all the costs involved before using it.
A smaller machine may work for a specific task, but the job may overwork that equipment and lead to premature repairs or replacement. In addition, the labor costs are higher when more hours are required to complete the job. Conversely, using a large piece of equipment for a small job is just as inefficient. If you can’t justify purchasing the correct equipment for a job, consider leasing.
Schedule All Jobs Carefully
Idle equipment doesn’t provide a return on investment. That’s why appropriate scheduling is always critical. When a piece of equipment won’t be needed at one site, move it to another where it can be used during that downtime. Yes, transporting equipment creates a new expense, but computing the benefits to determine when relocating equipment produces a net gain in productivity and reduces downtime.
Regular Maintenance is Cheaper than Downtime and Costly Repairs
Routine maintenance isn’t always easy or needed at convenient times. However, taking care of routine maintenance tasks at recommended intervals is far less expensive than dealing with emergency repairs at a job site and dealing with downtime.
Every manufacturer provides new owners with a recommended maintenance schedule. Those schedules are great ballpark guides, but remember that extended hard use of any equipment shortens maintenance intervals, so pay attention to site conditions as well as the number of hours it’s in use.
Train Employees in the Proper Use of All Equipment
Another issue that causes construction companies headaches is the misuse of equipment that leads to damage or downtime. Rather than taking risks, ensure every employee using a piece of equipment is trained in its proper use and maintenance. That includes pre- and post-use inspections to make spotting developing problems easier. Again, quickly handling any problem reduces the overall maintenance costs and keeps equipment running longer.
Make Sure Your Goals are Realistic
In some instances, companies expect more from equipment than the equipment can deliver. When setting expectations for a project, ensure the equipment and human resources allocated can produce the desired results. While overtime is routine on construction sites, keep it to a minimum. Doing so reduces fatigue and keeps employees happier. Schedule maintenance duties when the equipment would most likely be idle. Careful planning and setting appropriate goals
Work With Trusted Equipment Suppliers
Finally, productivity goes up when the best equipment options are selected. That generally requires working closely with suppliers that understand a company’s requirements and recommend solutions that match those needs. In addition, suppliers must be there when problems develop. Parts and repair service availability are musts, so focus on companies with reputations for delivering quality service at all levels.