The 13 Most Important Things to Consider Before Choosing Dog Food

Once you’ve decided to bring a dog into your home, the hard part isn’t over yet. Now you have to make sure they’re well taken care of, and that means figuring out which food works best for them.

There’s no getting around it—dogs can be expensive. The first factor that affects your dog’s diet cost is whether you feed dry or wet food, which has vastly different price points. With these concerns, you can check out have more options about what nutrients your dog needs.

On the other hand, if you don’t know anything about dog food or how to make your selection, it can seem like there are countless choices with no way to narrow them down – but when it comes down to it, there are only 13 things you need to consider before choosing dog food for your pet.


If your dog has a serious medical condition, or if you’re bringing home a puppy, consult with your vet about which dog food is best for their individual needs. However, many pet owners are often left trying to figure out what’s best for their pets by themselves. That’s why we’ve put together a list of pointers that will help you make an informed decision about what kind of pet food is best for your canine companion.


When choosing dog food, many people overlook the brand. But you must read pet food labels carefully. Choose a quality brand that contains all of your pet’s essential nutrients, with no potentially harmful fillers or additives. It is recommended to choose an all-natural brand that uses high-quality meat as its primary protein source (instead of things like byproducts).

Look and smell

Walk down an aisle of pet food and take a whiff. Do you notice any foul odors? If so, your nose isn’t deceiving you—most commercial dog foods do have some pretty nasty smells. So next time you’re picking up dog food for your furry friend, remember to check how it smells before making a purchase.


While taste is not something you should worry about in terms of nutrition, it’s an important element for pet parents. The flavor is especially important if you have a picky eater (or multiple eaters). Buy a few different varieties and see which one your dog prefers before purchasing a large quantity. It’s also wise to keep dogs separated during meal time until you know they like or dislike a certain food, so as not to create needless tension in your household.


Make sure your dog food tastes good. If your pooch isn’t eating, he or she is going to have a tough time staying healthy, and that means you’ll have to buy more food. It may seem counterproductive at first, but dog owners need to consider taste before anything else when shopping for their pet.


Your dog needs protein. It’s a vital part of his diet, and it helps keep him fit and healthy. However, not all proteins are created equal.

Serving Size – Number of Cups per Day

Make sure you read the fine print so you know how many cups of food you’re giving your dog. Sure, there are recommendations on how much a dog should eat per day, but it can vary based on age, size, and activity level. Your vet will be able to help you determine what serving size is right for your pet.

Feeding Instructions

The packaging should include a recommended feeding guide based on your dog’s weight and activity level. There are several different recommendations that manufacturers can choose from, including regular, maintenance, and reduced calories. Make sure you know what type of food you’re getting into before deciding how much to feed your pet each day. If you don’t stick with recommended amounts or change foods frequently, you risk harming your dog’s health by not meeting their nutritional needs or giving them too many calories.

Starch Type – Sweet Potato vs Corn vs Potato, etc.

If you have a dog with sensitive skin, consider avoiding grains altogether and opt for a starch-based diet. Grains tend to be high in both fat and carbohydrates—two things your dog doesn’t need. Additionally, grain-free diets are typically higher in fiber, which can help maintain your dog’s digestive health by reducing constipation and diarrhea.

Age Groups

When choosing a dog food, it’s important to keep in mind that dogs are of different ages. If you have a senior or elderly dog, his nutritional needs will be very different from a puppy’s needs. The same is true for puppies and young adult dogs—their nutritional requirements change as they grow. Because of that, you should make sure your dog food is formulated for all of these age groups.

Fat Content – Low Fat, High Fat, etc.

Although some commercial dog foods have fat-free claims, most of them are not low in fat content. Opt for food with low-fat content if you’re looking for a healthy option that won’t compromise your dog’s health.

Grain Type

Good grain is a necessary part of your dog’s diet, but you have several options when deciding what kind of grain is best. For example, while rice is a good choice because it provides a high amount of digestible carbohydrates and it’s an easily absorbed source of energy, brown rice isn’t right for every dog. Some dogs have sensitive stomachs that can be upset by grains like brown rice.

Nutrients – Calcium, Iron, etc.

The amount of protein, carbs, fats, and other nutrients your dog needs every day depends on his size and activity level. Calcium is very important for healthy bones. If your dog doesn’t get enough calcium, he could develop osteoporosis as he ages.

The more active a dog is, generally speaking, the more carbohydrates and proteins she needs in her diet to help keep her muscles strong. Older dogs tend to require fewer calories than younger dogs because they burn less energy.


High-quality dog food is always a better choice than a cheaper one, but it’s crucial to match your pet’s specific needs. This list should help you narrow down your options and find something that fits your dog perfectly! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments section. Have fun with your four-legged friend!

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